Our Lady of the Rosary

School House System

St Matthew, St Mark, St Luke and St John

The House System has been developed throughout the school not only for sports but also for pupil rewards, including politeness, behaviour and achievements in class.  Every pupil in the school has been allocated to one of our four Houses: St Matthew’s, St Mark’s, St Luke’s and St John’s – siblings will be in the same house to avoid any contentious issues at home and allow parents to show their support for the one House! House points will be awarded and collated each half term with recognition of success in our Effort and Achievement Assemblies. A visual counting system will be in place on the main corridor and House news will be displayed for the pupils in the hall. Each House will have a House Captain and Vice House Captain from Year 6 and these will be changed termly.

All pupils have been provided with a house colour T-shirt for Sports Day, inter-House sports competitions and outdoor games.  The T-shirt needs to be kept in school in the PE bag as it will be used throughout each week. Going forward should you need to purchase a replacement T-shirt they can be purchased from Casey’s in Blackfen. House colour sun hats are available to purchase from Casey’s to match the house T-shirt for £5 each should you wish to do so.

 House Badges

The Parents ‘Association has funded House colour badges for every pupil, to be worn on ties from September 2017. Unfortunately, should your child lose their badge we will have to charge £1 for a replacement – pupils will need to wear their badge every day so that rewards can be allocated to each house. I am sure that the children will wear their T-shirts and badges with pride.

House colours are:


St Matthew’s - Blue                  St Luke’s - Green


St Mark’s - Yellow                     St John’s - Red   



Please be reminded that your child will need to be wearing their correct PE kit for all PE lessons and for Sports Day.