Our Lady of the Rosary

Summary of Attainment July 2022

Attainment at KS2

  Expected Standard Greater Depth
Reading 86% 31%
National 74%
Writing 87% 15%
National 69%
EGPS* 83% 37%
National 72%
Maths 83% 36%
National 71%
Combined reading, writing (TA) and Maths 75% 10%
National 59%


Average Progress at KS2
Reading and Maths 1.2


Average Scaled Score
Reading 107
EGPS 108
Maths 107

 *Higher Standard - to achieve the higher standard, a pupil must have a high scaled score in reading and a higher scaled score in mathematics;  and be teacher assessed in writing as 'working at a greater depth'.

*EGPS - English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling